The AI Security & Governance Report

Nearly 700 data leaders share how AI impacts their approach to data security and governance.

AI Security and Governance in 2024 and Beyond

The rapid changes in AI are understandably exciting, but also unknown. This is especially true as regulations are fluid and many models lack transparency. Data leaders should pair their optimism with the reality that AI will continue to change — and the goalposts of compliance will continue to move as it does.

“It won’t take much to cause regulations to change pretty quickly. The more we use AI, the more failures and biases within models will become very public. So I think there will be ongoing challenges with compliance, particularly as we start to see more and more failures.”

Joe Regensburger,
VP Research at Immuta

No matter what the future of AI holds, one action is clear: You need to establish governance that supports a data security strategy that isn’t static, but rather one that dynamically grows as you innovate.

At Immuta, we believe the future must be powered by the legal, ethical, and safe use of data and AI.

If you’re looking for a way to keep up with the current and upcoming AI landscape and de-risk your data, spend 29 minutes with Immuta.

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